Boston Globe Throws Spotlight on Home Ownership Among State Lawmakers in Baffling Attempt to Shame Legislators for Being Home Owners
Dear SPOA Members and Supporters:
The Boston Globe baffled us over the weekend when they ran an article on the individual property ownership of state legislators.
Once the bedrock of the American dream, property owners are now the villains on the scene. Moreover, the article seemed to go to great lengths to count single-family and second-home ownership as investment property.
By The Globe’s logic, can you not weigh in on educational issues if your child is a public-school student? Women’s health issues if you are a man? The majority of the legislature would be disqualified from voting on one issue or another based on The Globe's spurious notion of conflict of interest. Segments of the electorate should not be disenfranchised in the lawmaking process based on their identities, or the identities of their representatives.
Regardless of what one thinks of the Massachusetts legislature, this is clearly a smear job by The Globe.
You can view the article HERE or HERE.
When The Globe steps out of line, the readers in the comments section clearly notice. Below is just one example:
"Another ridiculous piece of reporting by The Globe. Of course, most of the legislature own their own homes. Most people vote for someone who has been in their community for years and for most cities and towns in Massachusetts that means they own the home they live in. So logically there should be few renters. As for landlords, they are, for the most part, small businesses which are the economic engine of the economy."
As SPOA has repeatedly stated, the housing crisis must be solved by a coalition of people and ideas. Small landlords, who alone provide over 65% of the housing in Boston, should not be held solely accountable to solve a multi-pronged issue.
Trying to pressure legislators by printing their personal balance sheets is neither intelligent, persuasive, nor civilized way to influence important policy decisions.
Small Property Owners Association (SPOA)
SPOA is a landlord advocacy organization made up of volunteers. Our response to this crisis will be determined by our funding. In order to combat this intrusion into private housing we need your support. Please financially support our efforts today - the consequences of these actions may be dire. Housing providers must push back against these dire threats to our industry. Please donate what you can today, or send checks to “SPOA, Inc.” at 840 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02127