Testimony Needed on Bill H.5099 -- No Tax Hike Without Budget Cuts!
Dear SPOA Members and Supporters
Unfortunately, Mayor Michelle Wu’s tax bill, Bill H.5099, continues to wind its way through Beacon Hill. Please contact your senators and house representatives to let them know how you feel about this.
There will be a hearing on Wednesday, November 20, at 11:00am.
Here is the information for testimony:
Event Details
Event Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Start Time: 11:00 AM
Location: A-2 and Virtual
Event Description: Boston Property Tax Classification and Ipswich Senior Property Tax Deferral
Please be advised that the schedule and agenda are subject to change at the discretion of the Chairs.
The Chairs reserve the right to call public officials out of turn. Oral testimony whether virtual or in-person will be limited to 3 minutes. Written testimony is encouraged.
Written testimony can be submitted via email at JointCommittee.Revenue@malegislature.gov
For virtual and in-person oral testimony sign-up please email Bridgette Maynard at bridgette.maynard@mahouse.gov
For Oral Testimony please include:
1. Name;
2. In-person or virtual oral testimony;
3. Bills testifying on;
4. Whether support or oppose;
5. Whether on behalf of yourself or an organization.
If you have any questions regarding the hearing, legislation, or the format of the hearing, please email: Ryan Sterling at (ryan.sterling@mahouse.gov), Bridgette Maynard (bridgette.maynard@mahouse.gov) or Cameron Lease at (cameron.lease@masenate.gov). You can also reach either office via telephone: (617) 722-2320 (House Chair Cusack’s Office) or (617) 722-1330 (Senate Chair Moran’s Office).
If you have Accessibility needs, click here.
If you are interested in testifying, here is the information. If you are interested in testifying on behalf of SPOA, please contact us at askspoa@gmail.com.
There should be no tax shift agreement until the mayor cuts her budget.
This is in the most recent Boston budget:
Department of Innovation and Technology
19% increase (approx. $9 million)
Fund remote work equipment and technology
Multi-year computer replacement plan for employees' purchases across City departments
$9 million in new spending so City Hall can work from home.
Tighten your belt, Mayor Wu!
Why should we pay more so that City Hall can work from home?
Small Property Owners Association (SPOA)