General Survey

Dear SPOA members and friends, 

Over the past few months, SPOA has stepped up its rate of engagement with policymakers and journalists to advocate on behalf of its members and property owners all across Massachusetts. 

In order to advocate for you as effectively as possible, it helps to have accurate data on as wide an array of relevant issues as possible, which is why we’d greatly appreciate it if you could fill out this survey. Those of you who filled out our earlier COVID survey will note some overlap here, but we've added in a number of new questions on government policy, the court system, and other topics, in addition to some new optional demographic questions. Every response we receive allows us to tell a more accurate and persuasive story to people who pass laws and influence public opinion. All individual responses will be kept confidential; data will only be shared in aggregate/summary formats for the purpose of advocating for property operator interests locally and nationally.

SPOA is made up largely of volunteer landlords. We are hardworking housing providers working to advocate for all of those in our industry. We cannot do so without your support. Please donate here.

Thanks in advance, 

The SPOA team


SPOA's Rebuttal to Boston's Rent Control Proposal


SPOA's Statement to Boston Rent Stabilization Commission